Land. Earth. Nature.
Nature and humanity are deeply intertwined… as are the stories we tell… and the records we keep...

Diane Fisher for Clermont County Recorder
Welcome! I am on a journey to deepen my knowledge & expand my engagement in government. As a lifelong teacher I'm bringing you along too, of course. After all, lightbulb moments of understanding & insight are some of my favorite things!
I’m someone who believes that everything is political - whether we want it to be or not. And have mostly “hated politics” while loving the idea of democracy. Some folks believe we are currently in a civil war, some believe Democracy is dead, some believe we are in a spiritual war. I can see aspects of all of these viewpoints, and what I’m concerned with, no matter what you believe, is what comes next?
My name is Diane Fisher. I am running for Clermont County Recorder because I’m terrified and infuriated by fascism. because representation matters. because transparency matters. because who writes history matters. because community care requires action & connection. Showing up & educating folks are ways that I continually serve us all. This is a different version of the same Me… in all my paradox & humanness.
Professionally, I’ve been a housekeeper, landscaper, quality control supervisor, licensed massage therapist, director, facilitator & more. Sometimes I’ve failed horribly, sometimes I’ve succeeded wildly. I am a student of life, practitioner of health & person of deep faith.
I understand the history of the county recorder’s office, it’s importance & necessity within the US system. I have the necessary skills to oversee its effective function, and a commitment to serve the office & you for the next four years. I value the accuracy of records and transparency in government. I appreciate technology and convenient access to documentation.
Whatever November brings, I’m excited about this experience! ~Diane
Functions of the Ohio Recorders
The county recorder makes a complete, accurate and permanent record of every document pertaining to the conveyance and encumbrance of land within the county. Enforcing over 1000 sections of the Ohio Revised Code, the recorder takes great care to ensure that every document received is accurately filed, recorded and indexed. The county recorder serves on the county’s Records Commission, Automatic Data Processing Board*, and County Microfilm & Imaging Board*.
The practice of recording real estate documents is based on law in England which traveled to the New World with the colonists. Public land registrars were appointed in colonial America to keep accurate records. When the Northwest Territory was formed in 1787, a Recorder’s Office was established in each county. In 1829 the office became an elective position and in 1936 the term was established at four years.
*Optional boards established by the County Commissioners in accordance with state law.
from: The Ohio Recorders’ Association

“The trees act not as individuals, but somehow as a collective. Exactly how they do this, we don’t yet know. But what we see is the power of unity. What happens to one happens to us all. We can starve together or feast together.”
― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants